Research Reports

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SRR volume 10, issue 2, June 2018

Guest Editors:

Dr. Nicoleta NEAMTU, "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj-Napoca

Dr. Claudiu STEFANI, "1 Decembrie 1918" University from Alba-Iulia



Filtru titlu     Arată # 
Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 The influence of parenting on adolescent alcohol consumption: results from the SEYLE Project 6425
2 Evolution, in Romania, of alcohol consumption and changes in associated harm, from a comparative European perspective 5483
3 Transdisciplinar approaches in understanding addictions 5525
4 Urges and gratification of facebook uses for Romanian students 5034
5 Illicit drugs use among youth: a hindrance to socio-economic development in Rwanda 6050
6 Alcohol consumption in Romania: between perception and reality 5022
7 Perceptions of involved professionals regarding cannabis decriminalization 5223





Membri : 3
Conţinut : 145
Număr afişări conţinut : 1247614

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