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Key success factors for individual development & holistic management towards the asean economic community (AEC 2015)

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Key success factors for individual development & holistic management towards the asean economic community (AEC 2015)




The fast changing marketplaces, increasing customer expectations, aspiration for work-life balance, and the increasing exchange of international employees across different countries, the regionalization towards the ASEAN 2015 are unavoidable drivers of change that the 21st century business leader and manager has to focus on and attend to in order to further progress organization effectiveness, productivity and business results. This current and future flux of these driving forces critically influences the organization strategy, decision making processes, and the achievement of the organization’s bottom-line. Thus, business leaders and managers are challenged to think and act differently and creatively. This research is an attempt to present baseline data that will help determine the next best steps for today’s business leaders and managers to level themselves up to the challenges. This study presents (1) the competencies/skills are critical for the 21st century business practitioners in national, international and global village; (2) which competencies/skills are most urgent and needed for the industry; and (3) a set of recommendations for Organization Development Interventions in order to best hone the competencies/skills in view of the challenges. Data was gathered using on-line questionnaires which were distributed to the business practitioners holding current positions ranging from Assistant Managers, Directors up to the Top Executives level. Most of the respondents (n=218) came from the service industry. The major findings reveal that there are five areas which are the most critical competencies/skills required for Thai managers, namely: (1) English language communications skills; (2) innovative and ingenious practices in developing products and services; (3) hands-on execution of business/services for strategic planning and management; (4) process-learning which is a critical skill for coaching and empowerment in developing the human potential; and (5) the openmindedness for the cultural diversities where business/services are. Lastly, the selection and design of talented and professional development programs need to veer away from the standard or prefabricated training program.


Individual development, holistic management, key success factors, technical competencies, business management, cultural and diversity management, people development and management, organization development, human brain functioning.





How to cite:

Preudhikulpradab, S. (2014). Key success factors for individual development & holistic management towards the asean economic community (AEC 2015). Social Research Reports, 26, 7-28.


Link: Key success factors for individual development & holistic management towards the asean economic community (AEC 2015)






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