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Illicit drugs use among youth: a hindrance to socio-economic development in Rwanda

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Illicit drugs use among youth: a hindrance to socio-economic development in Rwanda


Gonzague Isirabahenda GONIS

Cod: ISSN: 2066-6861 (print), ISSN: 2067-5941 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 74-84



How to cite this article:

Gonis, G.I. (2018). Illicit drugs use among youth: a hindrance to socio-economic development in Rwanda. Social Research Reports, 10(2), 74-84.




While the use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other psychoactive substances constitutes one of most important public health problems among youth worldwide, the use of illegal drugs has spread at an unprecedented rate and has reached at every part of the world. Youths seem to be targeted as the new market for the drug industry globally where in economic term, both licit and illicit drugs are viewed as consumer goods that are traded in a competitive global market. Illicit drugs use is becoming an increasing problem in Rwanda, though little is known in Rwanda about the prevalence of drug use among youth. Illicit drug use has been singled out as one of the major challenges threatening the future of the Rwandan youth. The significant proportions of these young people eventually get addicted posing a threat to their own health and safety, while creating difficulties for their families and the public at large. The general objective of the study was to assess how illicit drugs use among youth hinders youth socioeconomic development in Kigarama Sector/Rwanda and analyzed the strategies used to address the problem. The ultimate aim was to find out reason why youths involved in drug abuse especially illicit drug use and means needed to limit the problem. This article focused on trend of illicit drugs use among youth and the study was covered a selected sample composed by Community Policy Committee members, Neighbor’ Eye Program members and interviewed key informants include local leaders, Rwanda National Police Officer working in Kigarama Sector, Kicukiro District, Rwanda.


Illicit drugs, youth, socio-economic development.


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