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Improving the training program and its influence on teacher functioning

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Improving the training program and its influence on teacher functioning


Hujeirat MALIK

Cod: ISSN: 2066-6861 (print), ISSN: 2067-5941 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 70-76



How to cite this article:

Malik, H. (2018). Improving the training program and its influence on teacher functioning. Social Research Reports, 10(1), 70-76.




When teachers go to study, they take into account several dimensions, like enrichment, pay rise, duty, importance and enjoyment, etc. Some teachers refer to advanced studies as an opportunity to enrich the educational and pedagogical toolbox and others perceive the system as a burden. Improving the training program in general will lead to an improvement in the teachers’ attitude toward the advanced training, and thus they will benefit more, and it will be reflected in improving their functioning as teachers. Such improvement requires systemic change, and requires joint action by all the factors including schools, local authorities, teachers’ unions and the Ministry of Education. Such joint work will ensure that the teacher’s conditions are improved and it will provide him with supportive environment and economic support, since the training requires teachers to spend a lot of time beyond their work days and additional expenses beyond travel expenses.


training programs, teacher functioning, professionalization dimensions, enrichment, duty, importance.


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