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Personal and group security

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Personal and group security


Tiberiu ILIE

Cod: ISSN: 2066-6861 (print), ISSN: 2067-5941 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 53-64



How to cite this article:

Ilie, T. (2017). Personal and group security. Social Research Reports, 9(1), 53-64.




This paper has as purpose to approach different levels of security, as reflected in the individual’s participation in the construction of personal and group security. Comprehensive interviews were applied. The target group of the study was represented by adults belonging to various ethnic groups in Romania. The idea of security as resulted from the analyzed interviews may be looked at from three different and correlative perspectives: as a feeling (diffuse for most of the population and clearly accentuated for the individuals with a high training degree and preoccupied by this topic), as an identity (personal, familial, ethnical or a sense of belonging to an ethnic group or a nation), and as an attitude (acknowledging and involving oneself into ensuring personal, group and national security).


security, individual, group, ethnicity, nation.


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