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Transdisciplinar approaches in understanding addictions

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Transdisciplinar approaches in understanding addictions


Aurora Carmen BARBAT

Cod: ISSN: 2066-6861 (print), ISSN: 2067-5941 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 51-61



How to cite this article:

Barbat, A.C. (2018). Transdisciplinar approaches in understanding addictions. Social Research Reports, 10(2), 51-61.




This study attempts to underline the relationship between natural sciences and humanities when analyzing the complexity of drug use and addictions phenomenas. The qualitative method used in this paper is based on a phenomenological approach. Trying to answer if addicts are victims of their own biology, we will analyze the biological factors involved in addiction, showing that information represents the base of epigenetic and psycho-neuro-immunological realities. Corroborating these dates with Thomas von Aquinas’ perspective about soul-body connections, we will conclude by underlying the importance of an integrative dialogue between sciences when speaking about addiction. The future of research in addictions reclaims not only multidisciplinarity, but its own transdiscilinar roots in an early dialog of disciplines.


addictions, transdisciplinarity, communitarian therapy, social work.


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